As I have lived in Texas for 7 years now, I constantly hear about this trade days thing they have in Canton, Texas once a month. Since I am also an avid procrastinator, I have talked about going for the past 7 years and always come up with a reason not to. My mother and I finally decided to go this year and it was wonderful! We spent an entire day wandering around and looking at jewelry, clothes, and vintage stuff so I was pretty much in heaven. Keep in mind we spent an entire day and probably saw 1/10 of the stuff that is offered in Canton. I thought I would share some of my finds with you:
I got this vintage tin magnetic board for $10! It has 2 cute little birds in their nest with the words "there is only one joy, to love and be loved"
My favorite find was this cute vintage sugar sack from the U and I sugar company (how cute is that)! I think it's going to make a very cute pillow.
I also scored a set of 8 Vera scarves. The Vera company made linens and scarves from 1945 through the 1970s. I plan to use these to make some bags using all vintage material
At the same little vintage linens booth I got this huge tablecloth from the 60s. It has kitchen scenes, a countryside scene, and a very cute rooster in the middle. This will probably become some kitchen towels and maybe a bag. It obviously needs to spend some time soaking in oxiclean :)
I am a sucker for cute organizers, so I was super excited to find this vintage wire locker basket for $14! It's even from Shiner, Texas :) I've already put it to good use holding my fabric.
I had been wanting to get some pretty doilies to put on the outside of bags, and I found these that I think will work nicely.
Finally, I found these great paper milk bottle caps that they used to put on top of milk bottles when they delivered them. I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do with these yet, but they were too cute to pass up. I am completely in love with the one with the milkman on it.
That's it for the day. Next I'll share some of the things I've been working on with you.